Monday, April 12, 2010

Dating Advice from Someone who Can't Get a Date

Stardate 63782.4
21:13 - Focus Foxies, back in reality, there lies a debate on why people who are single, are single. There is no really good answer that fits every person, but the one reason that generally urks me is the idea that single people are too picky. Honestly, after going on the dates that I did this year, I do not blame people for being picky. I mean think about it; if you are going to spend a considerable amount of time on a person, do you want to be with someone that doesn't get you? Finding a person understands you and is willing to spend time on you is not easy. Also, 'pickiness' in moderation is not really pickiness; it is called not settling. And all of you partnered up people out there, in case you have forgotten about what it means to be single, its hard! If was easy, you would be able to fix us up.

21:44 - After the previous discussion, I started to think about what my guy wish list contains. I know having a 'list' is just plain silly. But, you need to know what attracts you to someone. Most of what appears on a list is more a reflection of what a person needs. Anything on the list that can be considered superfluous and vain needs to be stricken. The lists purpose relies on self-awareness. If i created a list, it would like this:
  • >The ability to dance. Every great couple that I know (my parents included) know how to dance, especially two-step. For me, I can tell in the first couple of steps whether or not it will work with a guy.

  • >Can appreciate your types of music. Coming from someone who had no control of the radio for two years, this becomes very important when trying to understand who a person is. If you do not know what type of music and why they listen to it, then you do not know that person. Plain and Simple. You do not have to like the same music, but you do have to appreciate it.

  • >Be a dictionary about you; its like having your own wikipedia. Perfect example: I have been seeing a guy for about a month now, and to tell you the truth, he probably does not know a thing about me. I have no idea why, but all he wants to talk about is what he is about. He has yet to ask me a question about me. So, what this really boils down to is that this person you spend time with has to be able to support you by figuring out what makes you tick. You have to help them, but they should know about you.

  • >Selflessness. Once they know you, they support you in those areas. Whether it is a date to a function or bringing you cookies when you are studying like crazy, they need to know when they should slow down and make sure you have what you need to succeed.

  • >Have a dream and be able to share their dream with you. It is not about taking over someone else's dream or giving up on your own. You need to be able to pursue what both parties want to do and also, make new goals together.

  • >Be a best friend.

20:04 - While physical appearances should never end up on the list, they are an important aspect of chemistry. Generally, one looks at celebrity crush will work for this. For me, I choose Gerald Butler and/or Clive Owen. I love a manly man with a facial hair.

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