Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Econ Club and Yoga

Stardates 63812.1, 63812.1, and 63823.8
Since 63818.2 or Sunday, I have been staking out 'The Ghost who Creeps Behind my Professor's Door;' no success, Focus Foxies! NONE! Absolutely, none! The Ghost appeared briefly, but then disappeared. More on this later. It upsets me. So, I am giving you the highlights of some of my past few days.

63812.1 - Around 17:22, I was siting happily in Econ Club at Fitzwilly's. George quizzed our famed Economics Professor about securitizing microfinance loans in developing countries. Bravo, George, great question. To cut to the chase, a perfect example of a security is a mortgage backed security or MBS. Well, everyone joked about the 'BS' portion being well bs. The question posed was what would we call these new securities? I suggested 'MFBS,' and the crowd goes wild! I didn't get it. It may surprise you, Focus Foxies, but everything that I say that others considered funny usually means they are laughing at me, not with me. I meant microfinance backed securities; what I figured out later: they interpreted it as mofo bs. Their amusement at my 'cleverness' can be classified as amazing. I was so pleased, when I quickly caught up.

63812.1 - I found the perfect yoga class; it worked me out and relaxed me all at the same. Very few activities in life can do that to you. Anyways, the rewards of yoga are infinite, but it has many costs. So many annoying people flock to yoga, too many. Some of the different types in yoga are the smelly hippies, the perky instructor, old women, no personal space people, and show-offs. Now I am no angel, I used to be a show-off. But this class, it had nothing wrong with it. Perfect. I just worked on strengthening my arms and core muscles. And yes, I am still sore

63823.8 - Found the worse yoga class: pretentious with a perky instructor, not relaxing. The one benefit from this trip focused on soccer boys. Not every time one ventures to the Rec a pick-up soccer game happens, but every once in a while it does. Some girls like baseball boys, for the uniform, and for the same reason, I like soccer boys; it's the shorts. Anyways, after playing soccer for 13 years, old habits die hard. The only issue is the 'Cheerleader Effect' (see code of Barney Stinson), in groups they appear more attractive, than individuals. And as a final thought, gentlemen, please, please start choosing a bit more wisely when playing shirts and skins. That is all.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Family Dinner

Stardate 63806
09:49 – Focus Foxies, I have a confession to make. It is that time of year in Aggieland: everyone is starting to try and get hitched. This season usually starts a chain reaction that spreads all over and everyone else thinks that marriage and kids are a fantastic idea. Let me be the first to say, marriage and kids can lead to increased happiness, but they do not fit into everyone's plans for life. Some people do not want to get involved in these institutions Every other year, I am not affected by this plague. But Focus Foxies, this year it is creeping in on me, and I do not know where it comes from. Maybe my crazy lifestyle has grown old on me and I need to look for a boyfriend or maybe it was the cute little Childress kids at the Aggie Baseball games that have triggered this nonsensical emotions in me. But whatever the cause, I thought a good cure would be to be a 'caregiver' to the family today.

10:10 – WHOOP! Well, I have prepped the pork chops and rice for dinner tonight (while listening to country music and with Bravo TV on). I am feeling quite domestically and working mom because all I need to do is heat up the food and serve after Muster. So, I thought I would add to this success by even more success of creating a new bouquet. The boys are expert florists, but I wanted to make them proud by taking their dead one and replacing it. To do this, I brave going outside in Sully territory. He starts attacking me in my dress; all I want to do is get to behind the fence to get floral extras. So, I cut some roses out of the front yard and bring them in. Lets cut to the chase: I fail. I am not cut out for this. So I quickly change vases and use a Guinness cup. Like such:

11:11 - (I can Whoop again! Go Bush School) After this morning, I realize that I am not cut out for this who steady life and making dinners for a family sort of thing. I think what I was really looking for is a way to start my own life, meaning I build something for myself. Most people at this time turn to marriage and kids, which works for them. Considering I have not found any guy yet that would fit this bill, I probably will not before my college career is through. But what I can do is build friendships, careers, and life I can call my own. Next year will be the first time where I do not focus on SBP campaigns, being a Senator/Chair/Speaker. I will be able to focus on building a future for myself.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Costa Rica is Becoming Real

Stardate 63788.1
17:30 - Informational on Costa Rica. I cannot wait for my trip to Costa Rica this summer. I am staying there for about 12 weeks to learn Spanish. Now why would someone want to Costa Rica; it has a sexy name. True story! But seriously, it will be the first time for me to be out of the country for such a long time. So check it out: . The website shows so many excursions that will happen. I will be able to see the Pacific Ocean.

20:10 - WHOOP!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Watch Out, Little Foxy!

Stardate 63784.4

14:38 - Late breaking news from 5 June 2009 or Stardate 62928.9, this little fox accidentally broke into the lion exhibit at the zoo in Wuppertal, Germany. The little fox managed to escape the lion's grips. More information to follow!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Dating Advice from Someone who Can't Get a Date

Stardate 63782.4
21:13 - Focus Foxies, back in reality, there lies a debate on why people who are single, are single. There is no really good answer that fits every person, but the one reason that generally urks me is the idea that single people are too picky. Honestly, after going on the dates that I did this year, I do not blame people for being picky. I mean think about it; if you are going to spend a considerable amount of time on a person, do you want to be with someone that doesn't get you? Finding a person understands you and is willing to spend time on you is not easy. Also, 'pickiness' in moderation is not really pickiness; it is called not settling. And all of you partnered up people out there, in case you have forgotten about what it means to be single, its hard! If was easy, you would be able to fix us up.

21:44 - After the previous discussion, I started to think about what my guy wish list contains. I know having a 'list' is just plain silly. But, you need to know what attracts you to someone. Most of what appears on a list is more a reflection of what a person needs. Anything on the list that can be considered superfluous and vain needs to be stricken. The lists purpose relies on self-awareness. If i created a list, it would like this:
  • >The ability to dance. Every great couple that I know (my parents included) know how to dance, especially two-step. For me, I can tell in the first couple of steps whether or not it will work with a guy.

  • >Can appreciate your types of music. Coming from someone who had no control of the radio for two years, this becomes very important when trying to understand who a person is. If you do not know what type of music and why they listen to it, then you do not know that person. Plain and Simple. You do not have to like the same music, but you do have to appreciate it.

  • >Be a dictionary about you; its like having your own wikipedia. Perfect example: I have been seeing a guy for about a month now, and to tell you the truth, he probably does not know a thing about me. I have no idea why, but all he wants to talk about is what he is about. He has yet to ask me a question about me. So, what this really boils down to is that this person you spend time with has to be able to support you by figuring out what makes you tick. You have to help them, but they should know about you.

  • >Selflessness. Once they know you, they support you in those areas. Whether it is a date to a function or bringing you cookies when you are studying like crazy, they need to know when they should slow down and make sure you have what you need to succeed.

  • >Have a dream and be able to share their dream with you. It is not about taking over someone else's dream or giving up on your own. You need to be able to pursue what both parties want to do and also, make new goals together.

  • >Be a best friend.

20:04 - While physical appearances should never end up on the list, they are an important aspect of chemistry. Generally, one looks at celebrity crush will work for this. For me, I choose Gerald Butler and/or Clive Owen. I love a manly man with a facial hair.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Passport Troubles

Stardate 63765.1
11:45 - Today, I applied for my passport, again. I lost my original passport to an unfortunate accident in the Galveston Terminal. Now, I have been putting this off long enough, so I went to the post office on 2818 with my paperwork in hand. In the post office, they have a little office for passports (its like the Russian doll of offices). I just walk on up into the office and chilled in the entrance for a customer to finish, when some guy walked up. 'MA'AM, Do you have a question because there is a line that is TWO HOURS in front of you'-Agitated guy at the post office. 'No, I didn't realize there was a line'-me. 'The back of the line is right there; no, actually it's behind that couple of there' --AGAPO. 'okay' -- me. I mean seriously? Did that just happened? I knew this was going to be a trial on my patience, so I decided to do something that is not very much like me: pray. Here is the trouble: I know you can always pray to Jesus, but after spending Easter Sunday Mass about the amount of time you can leave 'Jesus' on the floor and still be okay to do communion, that's when us Catholic start to use the intercession of saints idea. So, I called upon Saint Christopher (patron Saint of travel), and it worked. I was out of there in less than an hour. WHOOP! And on my way out, I almost hit a sheriff car...but whatever! In two weeks, I will be a proud owner of a new passport.

14;27 - Currently, I am blogging at behind the Bush School over looking the Bush Lake (I have no idea if that is the real name of the lake, but roll with it). It is another one of those things that makes me happy. No matter what time of year it is, this place is an Oasis! The grass is truly always greener, the lake is stocked, and at times there are Asian woodland beings playing lutes. How much better can things get? Oh wait, it could be Costa Rica:

Monday, April 5, 2010

Five Second Jesus

Stardate 63759.2
09:30 - My family and had the honor this Easter of taking the gifts up to the alter during Mass. For those non-catholics Focus Foxies, this means that before the sacrament of the Eucharist (aka the priest turns the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus), someone must bring the bread wafers, wine and offerings up to the alter. Those someones for Holy Family Catholic Church were the Breauxs! In the past, we have taken up the gifts and had no problems, but this was Hannah and Chelsey's first time to do it. Personally, I was in charge of bringing the bread up and like my usual bossy self was trying to get Hannah and Chelsey squared away. What I did not realize was that while I was turned around, the big bread wafer that the priest uses in the ceremony had fallen to the ground! Upon realizing that this had happened, we just starred in disbelief. The usher simply walked over, put it back on top, and told us to start walking. So we rolled with it. The rest of the Eucharistic sacrament went well with no hiccups. But I was left wondering, does Jesus have a five second rule? Because the priest accepted the bread wafer, turned it into Jesus, and then ate it. I am just saying...

13:12 - Now that Lent is over, please bring the beer on. I foolishly gave up drinking beer for Lent, and I will never do that again. So, look forward to seeing my reviews on all of the new beers that I will be trying in the future!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Stardate 63757.8

20:48 - I would never fully admit that this idea came from one of the TV shows that I watch, but it got the ball rolling about this idea (by the way, I started watching How I Met Your Mother third season). It took me a couple of days to figure out this Focus Fox Log's purpose, if blogs have purpose beyond self-centeredness. Its purpose is to help me rediscover what makes me happy in life. So that is how it is going to be: everyday I am going to regain what I have lost in the past eight months.

Stardate 63800.5

11:17 - After reflecting more so on the purpose of the Focus Fox Log and watching Zombieland, I have decided that rules are necessary in order to make sure that this little blog survives! So here are the rules:
  1. Shenanigans based.
  2. Write in the FFL! a minimum of two times per week.
  3. No idol posting. Each post must have a purpose.
  4. No one gets to influence FFL! but me.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Start of Something New

Stardate 63751.5
14:27 - This is the first post of the new Focus Fox Log: the blog! It will not be epic, but I feel like it needs to be explained why I went to use I blog.
Who are we kidding? Focus Fox Log is a blog. I know I made claims that it was not, but it is. I I mean, I talk about things that I do and how I feel. How much more like I blog can you get? I wanted to get off of facebook. I am limiting my facebook stuff from now on. So, you will see less of 'me' on facebook and more of my shenanigans here. I felt like I needed to make a move because Focus Fox Log is a bit bigger than just a note on facebook. It needs its own venue to be highlighted in all of its goofy glory. Now I can post pictures and include Pi-rate cam in this spot. Which I like!