Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Passport Troubles

Stardate 63765.1
11:45 - Today, I applied for my passport, again. I lost my original passport to an unfortunate accident in the Galveston Terminal. Now, I have been putting this off long enough, so I went to the post office on 2818 with my paperwork in hand. In the post office, they have a little office for passports (its like the Russian doll of offices). I just walk on up into the office and chilled in the entrance for a customer to finish, when some guy walked up. 'MA'AM, Do you have a question because there is a line that is TWO HOURS in front of you'-Agitated guy at the post office. 'No, I didn't realize there was a line'-me. 'The back of the line is right there; no, actually it's behind that couple of there' --AGAPO. 'okay' -- me. I mean seriously? Did that just happened? I knew this was going to be a trial on my patience, so I decided to do something that is not very much like me: pray. Here is the trouble: I know you can always pray to Jesus, but after spending Easter Sunday Mass about the amount of time you can leave 'Jesus' on the floor and still be okay to do communion, that's when us Catholic start to use the intercession of saints idea. So, I called upon Saint Christopher (patron Saint of travel), and it worked. I was out of there in less than an hour. WHOOP! And on my way out, I almost hit a sheriff car...but whatever! In two weeks, I will be a proud owner of a new passport.

14;27 - Currently, I am blogging at behind the Bush School over looking the Bush Lake (I have no idea if that is the real name of the lake, but roll with it). It is another one of those things that makes me happy. No matter what time of year it is, this place is an Oasis! The grass is truly always greener, the lake is stocked, and at times there are Asian woodland beings playing lutes. How much better can things get? Oh wait, it could be Costa Rica:

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