Monday, April 5, 2010

Five Second Jesus

Stardate 63759.2
09:30 - My family and had the honor this Easter of taking the gifts up to the alter during Mass. For those non-catholics Focus Foxies, this means that before the sacrament of the Eucharist (aka the priest turns the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus), someone must bring the bread wafers, wine and offerings up to the alter. Those someones for Holy Family Catholic Church were the Breauxs! In the past, we have taken up the gifts and had no problems, but this was Hannah and Chelsey's first time to do it. Personally, I was in charge of bringing the bread up and like my usual bossy self was trying to get Hannah and Chelsey squared away. What I did not realize was that while I was turned around, the big bread wafer that the priest uses in the ceremony had fallen to the ground! Upon realizing that this had happened, we just starred in disbelief. The usher simply walked over, put it back on top, and told us to start walking. So we rolled with it. The rest of the Eucharistic sacrament went well with no hiccups. But I was left wondering, does Jesus have a five second rule? Because the priest accepted the bread wafer, turned it into Jesus, and then ate it. I am just saying...

13:12 - Now that Lent is over, please bring the beer on. I foolishly gave up drinking beer for Lent, and I will never do that again. So, look forward to seeing my reviews on all of the new beers that I will be trying in the future!

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