Sunday, June 2, 2013

Zooma Annapolis Women's Race 2013

Finish Line
Stardate 66885.7

18:22 - In Spring 2013, I decided to get healthy, super healthy. In that vein of thought, I signed up for a 10k race. I have mastered a 5k and have participated in a a couple of 8k races. Those last 2ks were going to be tough. Before this journey, I let myself go. Basically, I could not run more than a mile. Actually, I could run less than a mile. My muscles cramped up when I ran about 0.75 miles. I thought I was seriously injured the first time this happened. I was not, but I did need to build up.

Swag Bag!
The build up was intense and so was the DC heat. I picked out a training plan. I never picked out a plan before. I mean I have always been able to run my races, except the 5k in grad school. I blame that race a victim of the night before. They didn't even have the ice cream left when I finished. This race was going to be different. I had been dieting and sticking to the plan.

I signed up for the Zooma Annapolis Women's Race Series. We decided to make a weekend of it with me running it and Rob actually running it. He volunteered to be the turn around guy for the 10k people. The race had both half-marathon and 10k runs. Rob was the guy who had us 10k gals turn around so we didn't run 13.1 miles.  We stayed in a nice bed and breakfast to make sure we can get to the start line in time.
Spoiler alert: I finished!

The day of the race was blazing hot! Annapolis unlike the usual coastal towns I have been in is hilly. The hills took me by surprise. I mostly trained on flat surfaces in DC. Despite all of this, I finished the race. I hurt my foot, but I did finish! The race was a lot of fun. I like doing "women's runs." Everyone dresses up nicely and is really pumped to run. This helps a lot when you are not sure you can actually finish the race.