Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Flip Cup Champions

Stardate 65934.7

I'm still holding the winning cup
09:54- Many Focus Foxies know that I am part of a kickball/dodgeball/volleyball social sports league called NAKID. I have been on Suck it, Trebek! for two seasons. I have to say what we lack in athletic prowess (and we lack a bunch), we make up for in drinking abilities. Yet, this is not just a simple tale about drinking a few cocktails. This is a story is about how I became a metal award winning drinker and therefore legen....

After every game, we continue the shenanigans by playing a little drinking game called Flip Cup. The idea behind flip cup is simple: finish your drink and flip your cup. Easy enough? Wrong. This can be a struggle for many people. To add to the stress of flipping the cup, the game is played as a relay. Your whole side of the table has to finish in order to win the round. So if your team is full of strugglers (and not the good type) you could be waiting to drink for awhile. Typical official matches are best out of seven rounds.

Team Picture!
Now that the unaware Focus Foxies have the game down, let me explain how we won a medal. At the end of each season, NAKID has a flip cup tournament where only the strong survive. We were playing in the dodgeball/volleyball division with four people (see team picture). We had "One and Done" Rachael, "The Professor" Rob, "The Thunder from Down Under" Jack, and "Corgis for Life" Me. To be very honest, I was/am the weakest link on this team so they put me second in line. We successfully won the first two rounds with ease, and then trouble started brewing afterwards. We lost a round, then won one, and then they won one. It is was tough until we won out with 4 round wins.

Dary. It was Legendary! Beer was flung into the air; a round of high fives given; even a few chest bumps were involved. My hands were shaking from the adrenaline. They then gave us each medals and one big trophy for our win. So that, Focus Foxies, is how I and a few others became even more awesome. True Story.

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