Wednesday, May 16, 2012

PR at Partners: Redemption!

I'm not a space invader!
Stardate 65840

In the middle!
20:10 - As many long time Focus Foxies know, I have had trouble with my hair. I would not describe these troubles as actual problems, but as some major first world problems. I am pretty uncomfortable with the idea of going to a salon, and past experience hasn't really helped that (see Stardate 65420.9). I decided that it was time for another haircut, but this time it would be different. For many years I have wanted to dye my hair and never have. Being a fancy new vixen in a fancy town, I decided to change this. I started looking around, and yes, I did look at PR at Partners again. However, I did not go back to the same location. I went to a different salon with a new hair stylist.

Meets After

 I have to say that my experience went well this time! I went with red highlights. I was afraid of blonde ones because everyone says bleaching is bad. Also, I have always wanted to have red hair. I don't know why. Now, I am a saucy ginger for the time being. I also went with straight across the face bangs. I haven't had this type of bangs since I was little. If I find a picture of it, I will post it. Focus Foxies, I looked cute then, and I can still work it. The red is not as visible in the pictures, but I will get better ones when I get a better camera.

Overall, Krystal did a great job of walking me through the whole process, and I had a bunch of Focus Foxy input. So thank you everyone!

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