Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I aint got no job, I aint got no money, I aint got shit to do

Stardate 64168.9
08:16 - My student loans have not come through. Why? I have a few things missing, but I know I have taken care of them last week. Entonces, I called financial aid for the third time this week. The lady on the other side was talking me through the system, which I already know, but I patiently listen. She informs me that it will take two days. I ask that if Friday it does not show up, should I follow up...?

"You really want your money don't you?"- Lady
"Nah, Trick, I just want call into different offices around campus to see if they are efficient or not." - Me
"Really?" - Lady
"Puta, Porfa. SHOW ME THE MONEY!" - Me

That isn't how it went, but it is what I thought. She said that they would request the documents by Friday, but they might not show up until Monday. I understand that this is my fault, but I could use a bit of help. I am down to less than a hundred dollars to my name with no credit card to back up on.  This makes me a bit nervous. Once my loans come through and my sister repays me my $50.

13:02 - I apply for a job at Atkinson Toyota. I think that I am pretty much in, if they can find the hours. Here is hoping. While this is happy, this event struggles because I told my good friend that I got a lead on this job. He said that "Surely you can get a cooler job than that." Really? I am applying to every job I can. I mean every job. It sucks because this is the only lead I have had. So, I will stand out in 100 degree weather in rain or shine for minimum wage. 

19:09 - Well, I decide to cook up some food. I have really nothing left in my kitchen, but a few things. I am not to the point of being really hungry. However, I am saving an ounce of tomato sauce. I reheated my mom's porkchop and made a pork fajita. I made mexican rice, but I burnt it. What sucks is that no matter what....I have to eat it for lunch tomorrow. 

20:39 - As I have a whole post complaining about my issues. No one feel sorry for me. I will be fine. Being poor will do me good. Less drinking, loosing weight and a general appreciation for what I used to have. But seriously, I have turned off the AC for now and I am donating plasma tomorrow. They don't want you to have piercings in the past twelve months.... I might lie about that....

1 comment:

  1. No shame...I say this as I have my AC off, windows open, and I'm looking to book an appointment with Biolife soon. Temporarily quit drinking has proven nice...because of my money savings.
