Friday, October 1, 2010

Thunderhawks Unite

Stardate 64245
14:37 - Last night was the first night that I played a full game of softball in over a decade. Yes, I am old enough to say that I haven't done something in a decade.  I joined the co-rec softball team, named the Thunderhawks. Educational opportunity, Focus Foxies: a Thunderhawk is an ancient bird friend of the Greek God, Rock Stareous, who was once his son, Thunderus, but Zeus turned him into an awesome hawk just as he was about to die from being critically injured by a Hydra. Zeus equipped this hawk with the ability to produce loud booming noises every time he flapped his wing. In exchange for giving him new life, Zeus demanded that the Thunderus Hawk flap around during every lighting storm Zeus created. The God Rock Stareous
was so happy that sometimes he would play music to go along with the storm. Thunderhawk and Rock Stareous were sad that they couldn't be both human anymore, but they stopped being sad. Instead, they decided to be awesome. True Story.  Anyways, our team laid a hurting on some unsuspecting team called the Cremasters. What is a Cremaster? I have no idea. Well, I do have an idea; it is a team that gets beat 17-4. Well, Focus Foxies, I didn't do half bad; I did worse than half bad. I did terrible. I struck out twice, walked once (then scored), and then was gotten out before I hit first base.  MVP for that game was Weston who dropped bombs on those Cremasters like the coalition forces on Saddam in March 2003. A Whoop!

1 comment:

  1. cremaster is a muscle in men's balls that helps temperature regulation for proper sperm production lol.

    Go Thunderhawks!

