Monday, August 2, 2010

Drinking Games en Puerto Viejo

Stardate 64088.1
18:00 -This past weekend, I took my final trip to Puerto Viejo. This time I traveled to and from with the group, but soon lost the group upon arriving. To be extremely frank, the reason for this is because I have alcoholic tendencies mixed in with need to be away from people who need to be entertained constantly. Luckily, I found interesting people to entertain me, and they taught me many a drinking game.

First game that I randomly crashed into was The Game of Slaps.  Literally, I tripped, both hands landed on table full of strangers, and they invited me to play. So I was already in position because you need your hands like such
Starting with green hand number 1 on the left, you slap the table, then the red handed person slaps the table and then keep going down the line. Let's say that green hand number two does three slaps on the table, then purple is skipped and yellow 2 slaps. Lets say that yellow 2 slaps twice, then the order is reversed and purple slaps. If you screw up, you drink and take the offending hand off the table. Easy enough. During this time I met Barry or the Red Barron. He is a shaggy man from England who was a little far past gone at the moment because he kept staring at me even after I said Hello several times. Fun fact: he plays with baby sloths.

Second game is for people getting bored of the first one and because an adorable, red-headed Aussie man starts barking out orders to "Stand Up! We are playing Whiz-Ball." Whiz Ball is a very interesting game, I say that because I do not know what type of substance you would have had to take in order to invent this game. Well, the group has this imaginary ball and you throw it to your neighbor and and do the same,  but you have to d it with the correct hand. For example, if the 'ball' is going to the right, you move the ball with the left hand. To reverse the order, you need to 'Boink' the ball by the fist bumping.  So as in the previous example, you boink the ball with your left hand, and the ball goes to the left. Now, to add more complications to this game, the push is inserted. So if you have the ball, you push it with both hands to someone else in the circle. This person has to whiz the ball in the same direction at it previously was going.  Important: You cannot boink a push. It just does not happen.  Soon, I will figure out how to add a force push into the game.

Third game is called 21. We played this game with a bunch of different people who spoke a bunch of different languages. The object of this game is to count to 21 by each person listing off a number. When you get to 21, that person makes a rule to replace the other numbers. 7 and 14 are already taken. You say 14 for 7, and 7 for 14. Also, just as in The Game of Slaps, two numbers reverses the direction and three skips one.

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