Monday, April 16, 2012

The Maryland Zoo Circle of Life

Stardate 65753.9

I was literally growled at by a large predatory cat! How cool is that?
09:00 - From the morning we arrived at the Zoo, the animals were frisky and ready to go. We stormed past most of the animals to see the penguins (we had a breakfast date - see Stardate 65751.6). On our mad dash one big kitten caught my eye because he was so close to the edge. In turn, if it were not for the electric fence between us, I would have been caught in its teeth. We had to move onward on the winding path, but I was more than aware in this jungle zoo that I was just a small part of the circle of life.

After our breakfast with penguins, we meandered through the zoo to find more chains in this circle.  Stepping into the sun to see a giraffe, we watched him bend down to drink his morning water. They really bend down in funny ways; I guess if you have a long neck, you might as well use it. Funny story, I tried taking another picture of this giraffe later and he was able to hide his neck and face behind a pole. My mind was blown. There’s far too much to take in here. We traveled forth to see the one with fast paws: the cheetah! These cheetahs were out and about in the morning. They were pacing around and we could get up close to them! They even allowed me to video their shenanigans.


But with the sun rolling high through the sapphire sky, we moved on to see the King of the Serengeti (or as I call him: Meow Face #1). The zoo lions were sitting around casually acting like they had no cares in the world. Yet, they watch you with their eyes. Focus Foxies, I am not stranger to the gaze of the fearsome lion. In the Houston Zoo, when I was two years old, I attracted the stare down of a pride of lionesses. It scared Mama Fox half to death. This day was no different; these lions watched me as I went from one glass to another. Once again, I was glad an electric fence was between me and a really big cat.

We had more to find on our adventure, and we ventured to where the rhinos and antelopes roam. Keeping these animals great and small for all to see, the Maryland Zoo has many African animals, but our real discovery came in the colder region animals. We said hello to the three huge polar bears that horse played in there exhibits. We moved forward till we found our place in the zoo, and my life and blog would never be the same.

Focus Foxies, I really make a big deal out of nothing, but today was a big day for Focus Foxies everywhere. Today, I found us a mascot! I have been searching high and low for a fox that was not orange because orange is a dirty color for hippies. The Maryland Zoo had such a fox, formally known as an Arctic fox. They can survive blizzards by curling up into a ball, they fight off wolverines to survive, and they champion causes of foxes everywhere. While I have no idea what this little fox’s name is, I can only imagine it is Focus! So, Focus Foxies, I introduce Focus to you!

I did not want to leave this little guy, but our time at the zoo was coming to an end. I could have stayed here and lived in the Circle, The Circle of Life!

Focus Foxies in attendance: Rob aka Meow Face #1 of my heart! and of course FOCUS!

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