Wednesday, January 25, 2012

State of the Union 2012

Stardate 65532.7

12:00 - If you are looking for outrageous or insightful commentary on yesterday's State of the Union (SOTU), you came to the wrong blog. I do, however, have a plethora of facebook friends to whom I can refer you to that have ample amounts of opinions on the validity of the SOTU's content. You may discuss or troll with those individuals to your heart's content.  I will be giving a recount of the watch party awesomness. True Story.

The big man on the big screen!
Apparently, SOTU is a big deal in DC. So much so, we have watch parties for them as if it were the Super Bowl. We piled into a sports bar to watch President Obama on huge screens deliver is mandatory yearly speech. At Union Pub, a group of thirty played a little drinking game, and here are some of the rules. You can pick a word, such as jobs, unemployment, Iraq, Afghanistan, or Democrat/Republican, to take a drink each time it is uttered. Another approach (mine) is to drink whenever a group of politicians stands up and claps obnoxiously. If the TV station mismatches a name on the bottom of the screen with a face of a different secretary, drink (Secretary Kathleen Seblins does not look like Attorney General Eric Holder. fact).  These are pretty standardized rules that could be used for the past decade. This year yielded a few more laughing/drinking moments. Let's say the Vice President visibly silences his cell phone at the beginning of the speech; you should probably take a shot. Start the evening out right, Focus Foxies. Phrases like "Congressional insider trading," "human dignity cannot be denied," and "America is the most indispensable nation in delivering fairness" cause you take a drink due to sheer badassness. One of the rarely seen oratory tactics in a SOTU is humor, and I have to say President Obama pulled off an old school joke. If the president ever tells the nation that unnecessary regulations for dairy accidents are 'spilled milk worth crying over' with a straight face, finish your beer before you spit out all over your fellow viewers.
Free drink/cup for coming out to Union Pub!

 I must say that I may not have partaken in all of these rules, but we did have thirty people to spread the rules out. This dirty thirty did their best to take down those rules, one by one, and had an awesome time doing so. I have to say the best part of the night was a certain shout out to a little known agency for their China tires investigation. You can't beat a SOTU shout out!

Dirty Thirty of Redditor Focus Foxies made this possible

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