Monday, July 19, 2010

Sunrise con Roberto

Stardate 64051.5
20:33 - Being as far East as you can get in Puerto Viejo, Roberto de Camaroon y yo watched the sunrise over el Caribe. We both spent the previous night drinking after a new aquintance (Robert) introduced us. Roberto was born 'Robert' in California, lived in Camaroon with his family for years, and went to Hawaii for college. Standing at 6ft 3in, this blonde surfer had a unique sense of humor and a killer smile to go with it.  Our conversations drifted from microbiology, volleyball in Hawaii, growing up Catholic, my inspiration to help, him being chase by machetes in Camaroon, and el Mundial. As the sun began to rise, our conversations dribbled into unintelligible Spanish. Both talking, but neither understanding. I had to excuse myself for a minute, but when i came back, my friends who woke up for the sunrise were sitting in the place that Roberto was in. They politely told me that "my friend was in the ocean." When I looked out, I saw a speck that was Roberto.  Much to their surprise and even more to Roberto's. I took off my jeans and followed him out there.  I transversed the dead coral and urchin beds to meet Roberto out in the middle of the Caribe. Here we floated in the emerald water admiring the Sun's ascent. We then started diving down to the bottom to get a closer look at the dead coral and fish. Underwater surrounded by vivid green's, blues and browns, I was memorized by the dazzling beauty of the Caribe as we glided over the floor. We floated as far in as we could on our stomachs to avoid what my feet had previously ached over. We returned to our log with my other friends long gone. As the minutes washed out with the tide, we could no longer ignore that the night was down and the sun had risen. We said our good-byes and went two separate ways. By the time I head back to Viejo, he will be well on his way to surfing the waves in Panama.

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