Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Oh the places I will go!

Stardate 64840.7 and 65842.8

20:10 -  Roughly a year ago, I graduated college. Ahead of the game with my masters, I still had many doubts. I had no job with very few prospects of getting one soon.  But I was happy, that couldn’t be taken away anytime soon. That was my day, and I was off to Great Places! I had brains in my head and feet in my shoes. I could steer myself wherever I chose.

I was all geared up to go, but I had to wait the summer out in Houston. Without a job, I started getting stir crazy. I wondered if I would ever get to live out my dreams. Interview after interview, I waited for an answer. Waiting for a fish to bite, waiting around for a Friday night, and waiting for another chance. I was just waiting.  Yet, somehow, I escaped the waiting place when I got a call from the USITC. They wanted me! I got the news when I was on top of Mount Washburn, and frankly the world.

With a job, I was ready for anything under the sky, but I had to move to a new city. An exciting city, it is. Only problem was too few friends. I had never moved to a new city before; I did not know what to expect. Heck, I hadn’t even paid bills before or opened a credit card. The main thing that scared me was having too few friends. Whether I liked it or not, alone will be something I was quite a lot. That was the beginning, and this now. I learned to be brave and remembered one important lesson from A&M: never act too cool for school. I put my best intentions out there. Out there things can happen and frequently do to people as brainy and footsy as me.

 Oh, the places I’d go! There was and is fun to be done! I fell into a great place with my job and life. I now plan parties, create a home out of a room, and have room to bloom. Un-slumping yourself is not easily done, but it is not impossible. I am not where I thought I would be, but I am traveling the path where I want to be now.

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