09:13 - Now, I am not an expert on Mexicans, but I have certainly gotten my heart broken by a few too many. But along the way, I learned a bit about Mexican food that I will share with you, Focus Foxies. Specifically, over the past couple of weeks I had the (mis)fortune of eating both good mexican food, bad 'Mexican' food, and some straight-up UGLY Mexican food.
Good Mexican Food:
My friends cooked authentic Mexican food for me for a couple of dinners. I have to say it was pretty good, and dare I say, better than comida tica. Lo siento pero es la verdad. Dinner one included Chilaquiles, Mexican Rice, and soup. Chilaquiles consists of a really hot (by gringo standards) blended salsa with chips in the salsa. The best way to describe it would be that it is a 'casarole' of sorts with really good, fresh tomatoes and jalapeño salsa. Mexican rice is different from all other types of rice by the fact that the first part of the preparation consists of heating the rice up in a skillet and then afterwards adding a can of tomato sauce. The soup was pretty much pasta. Dinner two was made up of a dish called Tinga. Personally, I like 'Tinga' better, but I have no idea how to spell it. You layer a huge ship (I think its called a tostado), then beans, and then a mixture of a different salsa and shredded chicken. Very tasty, Focus Foxies. So complete these meals with a tecate, and you are doing awesome.
Bad Mexican Food:
Bad Mexican Food is what I cook. No joke. I mastered the art of cooking 'migas' which I learned from an ex-boyfriend, but I an not sure if it is authentic. I also add chorizo into the deal to make it better. Very simple dish. But where I really fail lies in my inability to cook rice. I burnt the Mexican rice that I cooked. Not only was it crunchy because of the burntness, the inside was not cooked all the way through, allowing for an extra bit of crunch. See Stardate 641689.
Ugly Mexican Food:
No, you do not. You find people who are eating cheap, cheap food at 3 in the morning. You find them not having to trek all of the BCS area to find their location because they are adjacent to the gates of North. So next time you are famished after your nightly activities take your $2 to Taco Bell, and save $2010 and get the same amount of food as Taco C or what ever the cool kids call it these days.
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