Mis Amigos y yo al Parque de Volcan Poas!
Stardate 63837.3
08:00 -
Hoy, nosotros visitamos el parque de Volcan Poas. El complejo do Poas tiene un Volcan y una laguna. El crater principal es activo y enorme; lo medies una milla atraves de y trescientos meteres de profundidad. El agua en el crater es cuarenta grados centígrados. La Laguna Botos no tiene pez porque la laguna contene mucho azufre y otro minerales. Pez no puede vivir en agua con mucho azufre. El parque es muy bonito porque tiene mucho diversidad de ecologia. Para un ejemplo, el parque tiene un bosque de duende. -- Today we visited the Poas Volcano Park. The Poas complex has a volcano and a lagoon. The main crater is active and enormous; it measures one mile across and 300 meters deep. The water in the crater is 40 degrees Celsius. The Botos Lagoon does not have any fish because the lagoon contains a lot of sulfur and other minerals. Fish cannot live in water with a lot sulfur. The park is very pretty because it has a lot of diversity in ecology. For example, the park has an 'Elvin Forest'.
09:30 - Como se dice 'nerd' en espanol? Neither does my dictionary...
12:00 -
Normalmente yo no me gusto fruta. Pero, hoy, probo comidar muchas frutas: fresas guava (diferemente de guava de Estados Unidos), y manga. Tambien yo comido crepe de maiz con crema agria y bebo cafe de Costa Rica. Las fresas son muy excellente y muy dolces. Mi maestra da me una manga para mi familia. -- Normally, I do not like fruit. But, today, I tried to eat a lot of fruit: strawberries, guava (different guava than U.S. guava), and manga (really big mangos). Also, I ate corn pancakes and drank Costa Rican coffee. The strawberries are very good and sweet. My teacher gave me a manga for my family.
Guava de Costa Rica
20:00 -- As you can see, I am trying to write a ton in Spanish and translate it for my English and Spanish audience (my Spanish sucks so it needs to be translated for a Spanish audience). I have not learned how to do past tense or present progressive yet. Soon, maybe, but feel free to correct it! Also, someone anonymously commented on this blog: who are you? And please refer to rule two: DONT MAKE THINGS WEIRD!!!! One last thing, I do not have spell check here, so I apologize for anything that you can't read.